Lisa W.


Phoenix, AZ

Lisa has been assisting relocating employees in the ‘Valley of the Sun’ for 6 years.

She particularly enjoys Arizona’s active outdoor lifestyle, friendly people, warm weather and vastly different geographical areas across the state.

As an Area Consultant, Lisa enjoys introducing newcomers to her home state and learning interesting facts and customs about their home country. Relocating Employees rave about Lisa - “Your help was just perfect. You gave us the right advice at the right time, putting yourself in our shoes with a great sense of openness… you were just the person we needed’.

Lisa loves to travel, hike, paddle-board and kayak, socialize with friends and family, take cooking classes and … she loves to learn!

Growing up, Lisa and her family took road trips to every country in North America including Central America, Mexico to Eastern and Western Canada. All of this travelling in their Thames passenger van from England!

A couple of fun facts — Lisa fosters kittens for AZ Animal Welfare League and she previously worked in the fashion industry!


Miho M.


Becky N.